Con la Plaza Comunitaria:
Con el apoyo del Consulado Mexicano de Indianápolis y el INEA (Instituto Nacional para la Educación de los Adultos) LNOCC puede ofrecer cursos necesarios para que los adultos de nuestra comunidad reciban su certificado de primaria o secundaria en México.
También ofrecemos clases de preparación en español para el HiSET, que antes se conocía como el GED. Para cualquier pregunta por favor envíenos un correo electrónico a
Primaria / Secundaria
Puedes tomar clases de primaria y secundaria y avanzar tu educación.
Y también puedes obtener tu diploma de preparatoria
(high school).
Regístrate abajo
Pl@za comunitaria
With the support of the Mexican Consulate of Indianapolis and INEA (National Institute for Education of Adults) LNOCC can offer courses needed for adults in our community to receive their certificate from primary or secondary school in Mexico. We also offer Spanish prep classes for the HiSET, which is formerly known as the GED. For any questions please email us at
There's no better way to show your kids the importance of an education than by finishing yours.
Who benefits from these programs?
Any person interested in initiating or concluding their primary or secondary studies who is older than 15 years of age.
What materials do you need?
We will give you the materials/books necessary to complete the modules.
Class schedule
Plaza Comunitaria:
Monday & Wednesday 11am - 1pm
Tuesday & Thursday 4-5pm or 8-pm
Spanish HiSET
Monday and Wednesday 8-10am
Tuesday & Thursday 5-6:30pm (Basic)
or 6:30-8pm (Intermediate)